December 16, 2023

By Claire Curry

When Michael Levine ’22 在阿普费尔鲍姆大厅的交易室里发现了彭博终端, 他很快决定学习如何使用这个流行的金融软件工具,他听说过很多,甚至在电视上看到过.

“I made it my goal to experiment, and once I started using the terminal, that’s where my personal journey began. It’s the key to a whole new world,” Levine says, 指出它不仅提供有关金融市场的数据, but much more, including up-to-the–minute, worldwide news.

他被这个资源所提供的信息的广度所吸引, Levine set his sights on becoming Bloomberg certified, an opportunity made possible by the Sigmund Weis School of Business.

该证书对莱文获得彭博社(Bloomberg LP)的实习机会起到了关键作用,他现在是彭博社的一名全职高级投资组合和风险分析师. “I’m using the Bloomberg [terminal] every single day,” he says.

商学院增加了彭博认证的保证,所以所有的商学院学生毕业时都有这个宝贵的证书在他们的履历上. According to James Pomykalski, 浩博体育app西格蒙德·韦斯商学院(Sigmund Weis Business School)副教授兼金融与分析系主任, the program has been incorporated into Data Collection and Modeling, a course requirement for all business majors. Usually taken in the third semester, 它训练学生思考数据,并使用他们在整个职业生涯中需要的各种工具.

更重要的是,学生需要获得彭博认证才能通过课程. To do so, 学生们必须完成一系列关于经济指标的四个视频模块, currencies, fixed income and equities. It takes eight hours to complete, 学生必须在每个模块内置的测验中获得70%或更高的分数.

波米卡尔斯基说:“我们决定要让我们的学生在就业市场上占得先机. “我们的想法是让他们至少对彭博终端有一些了解和熟悉,这样他们就可以不仅仅作为金融概论课程的一部分来使用, a finance reporting class, but any other finance classes beyond that.”

In addition to preparing students for finance courses, 彭博终端也是其他研究领域的资源.

“It’s really the mother lode of data,” says Peter Dadalt, assistant professor of finance and analytics. “There’s a lot of long-term utility to this, not just for finance majors, but to students in all majors. 额外的好处是,它向(潜在的)雇主发出信号,表明学生得到了这份工作, 他们明白,要想在事业上取得成功,这些都是他们必须投入的东西.”

萨斯奎哈纳共有16台彭博终端——12台在阿普费尔鲍姆大厅的交易室,另外4台在图书馆——供所有学生在做家庭作业时使用, special projects and research of their own.

Being Bloomberg certified is also an asset in today’s job market. “我们的学生对实习和工作最感兴趣,”达达尔说. “彭博终端如此酷的一个原因是,你可以直接联系系统上的任何人, so students have the potential to use it for networking.”

They can also use it to prepare for interviews, to get the latest news on an organization, information about its competitors, and major trends in the industry. “你可以从中获得真正的商业情报,而不仅仅是财务信息. 给学生一个小时的时间,他们就可以为面试做好充分的准备。.

Dadalt, who teaches a class on fixed income and oversees the River Hawk Fund, the investment portfolio of the Student Government Association, 经常带他的学生去彭博终端做研究. 他说,像萨斯奎汉纳这样规模的学校拥有16台彭博终端并不常见.

“我的猜测是,很少有学校的人均收入超过萨斯奎哈纳,因为大多数像我们这样规模的学校都没有终端, and if they do, they have the minimum,” he says. “我一直对我们能够为学生提供的资源感到惊讶. We tend to punch way above our weight class.”

在慷慨捐助者的资助下,彭博终端于2014年进入校园. 从那时起,已有数百名学生使用了它们并获得了认证. The requirement will not only increase this number dramatically, 但这也将确保商学院培养出的毕业生能够找到工作并迅速投入工作.

Hailey Bowden ’25, a finance major from Snow Hill, Maryland, who earned her Bloomberg certification in 2021, said that like Levine, she also learned about the tool in her first year at Susquehanna.

“我真的很感兴趣,我很快就意识到获得彭博认证的巨大价值,” she says. “With the abundance of information at my fingertips, 很明显,这个认证对开展研究是多么有价值, completing class assignments and collaborating on group projects.”

这位未来的金融分析师补充说,彭博终端成了她的“第二个家”. The knowledge and skills I gained have been immeasurable, 我坚信,在我离开浩博体育app之后,他们将继续为我服务.”